Saturday, December 7, 2019

Poem for the week:: "The Longing in Her Soul"

We had history. She introduced me to the path
that I lived for thirty years, a teaching torn from
the ancient past by a clever man who put two
and two together and created his own teaching
and line of spiritual masters to prove to the world
that he was no fool; but despite all the gems of
precious wisdom that he purloined from sacred
texts, the fallacy of his teaching became too much
to bear, and I had to walk away, as did the lady who
called me from her winter home in Florida, once
again, probing me on my knowledge of another
path that she was exploring; and I replied, “It’s all
so simple. Why do they always complicate it? It’s
not a mystery. Life just is. Live your life, enjoy
your family, your friends, be a good person; that’s
it. That’s the path that all paths lead to,” and she
laughed at the simplicity, relieved of the terrible
responsibility of exploring another path to
satisfy the longing in her soul.

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