Friday, January 1, 2021

Poem for the New Year: "2021"



 Another year of Covid-19,

scourging the world with panic

and fear, everyone consigned

to their safe bubble desperately

waiting for the salvific vaccine

that will open society to a new

normal; and as we wait for this

to happen, reflections became

my daily habit, and I pondered

long and hard, wondering why

it takes so long to put the pieces

of life together, like the jig saw

puzzle of the new Nipigon River

suspension bridge that my love

is patiently assembling; and as

the new suspension bridge spans

the north and south sides of the

Nipigon River (an old aborigine

friend long dead told me Nipigon

was Ojibwe for fast-flowing water),

my old hometown-life of relentless

questing for an answer to life’s

imponderable question (why?)

forged a suspension bridge from

Nipigon to Tiny Beaches on the

sandy shores of beautiful Georgian

Bay, Ontario where all the pieces

of life finally fell into place for

me as I reflected from the safety

of our Covid-19 bubble.









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