Saturday, April 27, 2019

Poem of the week: "God Within"

God Within

Flat, existential plane
of life and limb,
toiling, toiling, toiling
for profit unseen.
One day a voice speaks
from within:
“Go to the casino,”
and all the profit
that you win
goes to life and limb,
and the voice confirms
God within.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

New Poem: "A Sacred Contract"

A Sacred Contract

Life is all about negotiating our way
from here to there, wherever
there may be, for reasons
we think we know but are never
quite certain, —

Life is all about compromise,
small, big, and bigger, and if we
cross the line to the nether side
of the great divide, we forfeit
our right to be, —

Life is all about redemption,
reclaiming the I we compromised
to the I we are not, and life goes
on from life to life, a sacred contract
to the end of time.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Poem: "The Old Fox"

The Old Fox

He was right after all, the Old Fox,
pushing all their buttons to bring out
their chief feature, the darkest secret
of their nature, and they only stayed
with him who rose to the occasion
and put their need for greater meaning
above ephemeral self-interest. No-one
knew where he came from, he kept
that secret to make his teaching more
alluring, and they hung upon his every
word until they could take no more,
and they left more broken than when
they came, writing books and maligning
his intention; but the Old Fox knew
what he was doing, feeding the hungry
and starving the poor, and those that
stayed to hear the worst went away
wiser in the sacred knowledge of their
chief feature that blinded them to
their true nature.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Poem: "The SNC-Lavalin Quandary"

The SNC-Lavalin Quandary

There will come a time in a person’s life
when the moment is defined by the gravitas
of their character, and that moment came
to a young PM with beautiful hair and
noble intentions, when he was tested by
a pesky file that called for attention of a special
nature that would pave the way for new
adventures into the foreign country of his
soul; but his febrile mind refused to do what
his heart knew to be true, and he squandered
his precious treasure on a game that never,
never, ever loses.