Saturday, June 22, 2019

Poem for the week: "Time Traveler"

Time Traveler

“There is no other place
to find yourself. Now is your only context,”
said the bearded man in the miracle portrait
with the lamb in his arm and a lion cloud
in the pale blue sky—reincarnation doesn’t matter,
nor does the hollow science that when the body
dies the self is no more; the only resolution
is the moment, forever the fertile womb
of the infinite universe.

He came from the future, the bearded man
in the miracle portrait, to open the strait gate to
a timeline of resolution; and for centuries the narrow
way of the living waters of destined purpose was
heeded; but the worm in the apple spoiled the
barrel, and the man from the future had
to come back again.

“There is no other place
to find yourself. Now is your only context,” he
repeated, and expounded upon the sacred mystery
of self-redemption, and the timeline of resolution
was re-affirmed upon the divine premise of accountable
effort; and when his portrait was completed, the bearded
man with the lamb in his arm returned to the future
and waits for the world to catch up to him.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Poem for the week: "I Am Where I Want to Be"

I Am Where I Want to Be

No more questing in the dry pages
of lost horizons, or climbing mountains
in the Hindu Kush searching for a fantasy;
and no more meditating in walled Tibetan caves
or collecting wild honey like a mendicant Sufi,
because I am where I want to be.

I could be sunning on a sandy beach in Florida,
cycling in Province, or sipping espresso in Tuscany,
exploring new writers for new thoughts and taking
up hiking or hobbies like Tai Chi and Mediterranean
cooking, but life no longer beckons me because
I am where I want to be.

Not every acorn that falls off the oak will grow
into its own tree, only the seeds that take root will
become what they are encoded to be; so it is with
every soul that takes root in the humble soil of
its own garden, growing where it has been
planted to become what it’s meant to be.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Poem for the week: "Doors"


Every door we open leads
to another world, but we don’t
have enough life in us to open
every door; and if we did, what
good would it do us?

Unless we know the answer
to this question, every door remains
a mystery; but we open every door
to satisfy the longing in our soul.

I opened a door long ago
that led to a world of possibilities,
and I could have become affluent;
but it did not satisfy the longing
in my soul, and another door
opened up to me.

The world behind this door
was strangely familiar and exotic,
and I explored every corner to satisfy
the longing in my soul; and when I
left this strange world, I closed
the door behind me.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Poem for the week: "The In-between Days"

The In-between Days

37 years old, much too young
to face the dreaded divide
with nothing but naked fear
and wanton desire for the time
she had left to live, with little
thought of the Other Side—
absolute nullification of her
selfhood and vague rumors
passed on from generations of
desperate hope—and like a
fierce tornado of unlived dreams
she sucked the sweet marrow
out of life to satisfy her craving
for personal meaning, keeping
a memoir for posterity of the
in-between days of her vital
treatments: 137 soul-drenched
pages of precious living.