Saturday, March 19, 2022

New poem : "Worth Dying For"


Worth Dying For

“I’m not afraid of dying,” said

the bombed city mayor’s brother

who had returned to his native land

from the United States to defend

Ukraine from Vladimir Putin’s war

of aggression. “I’m more afraid

of losing,” added the bearded man,

with fire in his eyes, as he spoke

for the soul of his people who had

suffered under the Soviet regime

long enough to realize that personal

freedom was worth dying for.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

New poem: "Behind Closed Doors"


Behind Closed Doors

 What if one lived three score

and ten years, suffering all the slings

and arrows of outrageous fortune,

and becomes all that he can be, but

when he dies, he returns to the same

life to live again with all the knowledge

and wisdom of his former same life;

wouldn’t that be something? Maybe

this is what made Jesus Jesus, Socrates

Socrates, Shakespeare Shakespeare,

Newton Newton, Beethoven Beethoven,

Lincoln Lincoln, Churchill Churchill,

Einstein Einstein, Steve Jobs Steve

Jobs, and all great souls who changed

the world? Who knows what really

goes on behind closed doors?


Monday, March 7, 2022

New poem: "The Dilemma of War"


The Dilemma of War


There is a bigger picture

that necessitates the experience,

the hurt, the pain, the grief, the suffering,

and the unconscionable will all play

their part in the cosmic game of life,

giving and taking, and taking and giving,

all for the sake of becoming who we are meant

to be, both who we are and who we are not,

our true self whole and complete

in our divine nature.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

New Poem: "Her Most Burning Question"

 Her Most Burning Question


I read a poem by a brilliant young writer

(she studied under the great William Blake

scholar, Northrop Frye) who went on to write

poetry, stories, dystopian novels, essays, plays,

and other genres, and a line from one of her

early poems left an indelible impression: “All

we have is hope, but what hope is there?” said

the budding Casandra, whose dystopian novels

were made into movies. A very distinguished

woman of letters in her eighties now, with 72

books to her credit, she published her third

volume of bits and pieces that she wrote over

the past few years (2004-2021), and to my

surprise, she`s stopped despairing. “If you’re

not hopeful, it’s game over right there,” she said

to the Star reporter, for the third volume of her

collected works on the burning questions of

her life. “If we don’t try, nothing will happen,”

she amplified. “If we do try, we have a chance.

In order to try, we have to have hope. So there’s

no point not having hope. It is an inbuilt human

quality anyway. We are inherently hopeful,” she

re-iterated, holding on by her fingernails. What

a paltry distance she’s travelled to find an

answer to her most burning question!