Saturday, July 27, 2019

Poem for the week: "Bad News"

Bad News

Is there ever a good time
for bad news, like the day
before my birthday and long
July weekend, summer perfect,
weather we’ve waited all year
for? But bad news really has no
seas0n, coming when the gods
decree, and there’s nothing we
can do but deal with it; but not
right away. One needs time to
heal from the blow before one
rallies the wounded soul.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Poem for the week: "The Housefly"

The Housefly

Washing out the coffee pot this
morning, I woke up a big black
housefly and it buzzed frantically
 at the kitchen window looking
for a way out. I put the coffee pot
down and picked up my dishcloth
and frantically tried to capture it;
but the big black noisy housefly
was too fast for me. Yet I persisted,
and almost caught it. Then it flew
under the window blinds and I could
not get to it; but so frantic was the
fly that it buzzed into a lower corner
of the window and I trapped it under
my damp dishcloth— “Gotcha!”
for a fleeting moment my heart went
out to the poor creature, and I thought
of taking it outdoors and setting it free;
but that was much too inconvenient,
and I flushed it down the sink. Now
I’m so full of guilt for going against
my better nature that I don’t know
how to make up for it; and I can’t help
but feel that it was providentially
designed for that big black housefly
that’s floating around in our stinky
septic tank to be at our kitchen
window this morning just to
remind me how highly
evolved I am.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Poem for the week: "Dogs of Desire"

Dogs of Desire

Every murder mystery writer
writes their story from back
to front, omniscient of all the
facts of their story, but we don’t
know that; that’s what makes
them a murder mystery story, —

And so is life a mystery story
like the murder mystery writer’s
story, fraught with red herrings and
dead-ends, but who is the author
of this fabulous story? And how
do we solve this mystery without
an author to guide us? —

What if we work backwards, like
the author of the murder mystery
story? Can we follow the clues
from back to front and see the
big picture? But how can we
follow the clues from back to
front if we are dead? —

The case lingered…

As chance would have it, he found
a clue in something a poet said about
a man who went on a journey into
a desert and died of thirst but came
back to life again; and he studied
the mystical poet and his case
was resurrected, —

“Die before dying,” wrote the mystic
poet, dropping his best clue, and he
embarked upon a journey into the  
arid dessert of his lost soul, and every
day another dog of desire died a sweet,
excruciating death—how he craved
a single drop of water! —

And the clues kept coming…

Emaciated, he kept searching for the oasis
of precious water, but it was so far away;
and when he lay down to rest his last dog
of desire sprang to life, and he dragged his
weary soul to the life-giving water and
died of sheer exhaustion—the final
clue that solved the mystery, —

Case closed!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Poem for the week: "Pinning the Devil Down"

Pinning the Devil Down

I hate it when a poet
tries to be profound with
what he does not know, forever
struggling to free himself from
his shallow grave;

and I hate it when a poet
tries to be cavalier with deadly
serious matters, making out
like he’s above the fray;

and I hate it when a poet
assumes an air he has not earned,
wearing the poet’s mantle
for authority;

and I hate it most when a poet
gets it right, because he’s pinned
the Devil down and wrestled
all the wit, charm, and
deceit out of him!