Saturday, February 27, 2021

New poem: "Memories"



 Long ago, when

by today’s measure

the world was as calm

as a snail, the great poet

said, “the world is too

much with us,” and

here we are today, three

centuries later, restricted

by the masks we have to

wear to keep the killer

virus at bay, not a single

day goes by that we don’t

heave a sigh at the loss

of what we had before

this evil thing made

a mockery of our


Saturday, February 6, 2021

New poem: "The Infamous Interview"


The Infamous Interview

 He held up the mirror of his own

good life for her to see herself

in the light of who she was not,

and for three hours the lady from

the Times interviewed the broken

man who was finally mending

from the horrendous trauma that

uprooted his soul from himself

and loving family, but the more

the mirror of the good man’s life

threatened the journalist’s image,

the more terrified she became of

seeing what she was not, startling

her into the fight or flight response,

and she chose to stand her ground

and fight the ignoble fight, smearing

the good man’s name with clever

deceptions and infuriating everyone

who stood for the truth, the good,

and all things noble to man.