Saturday, April 24, 2021

New poem: "The Spectre of Her Mind"

The Specter of Her Mind

 It was in her wanton eyes,

and in the way she offered

herself with sexual abandon

to the camera. It’s me! I’m

back! I’m still beautiful!

A movie star long past the

expiration date of her sexual

appeal. But the specter of her

mind persisted, totally oblivious

to its non-existence; a memory

of the desirable woman

she used to be.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

New poem: "The Storyteller"


The Storyteller

 “We need stories to understand

ourselves,” said the author of a novel

that shook the foundations of a world

religion, such was the awesome

power of his story’s meaning; and

a loving father in the armed forces

nourishing his son’s hunger to

understand life’s meaning through

his own stories, spurs the son’s desire

 to pursue a meaningful life healing

the sick and become a storyteller

like his mentoring father.