Saturday, December 28, 2024

New poem: "America's Constitutional Ideal"


America’s Constitutional Ideal


That horny, little, wall-eyed Frenchman

who said, “man is condemned to be free,”

got it ass-backwards; not because his dialectic

brought him to this conclusion, but because

there was no room for God in a philosophy

that made man the center of everything

and the breeding ground for the vilest mental

virus to plague the world since Adam’s sin;

that’s why Donald J. Trump, the 45th President

of the United States who won the election

to become the 47th President, was called by life

to address the problem of this mental virus

by inspiriting his nation with new hope, desire,

and belief in the omniscient guiding principle

of life that spared him from an assassin’s bullet

in Butler, Pennsylvania and on his golf course

in Florida so that he could correct Sartre’s tragic

misperception that man is a “useless passion”

who is condemned to be free, when truth be told

we are free to be condemned by the choices

we make, the fundamental premise of America’s

constitutional ideal that summoned Donald J. Trump

to become the 47th President of the United States

and destroy this pernicious mental virus and make

America the home of the brave, the strong,

and God-fearing people again.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Saturday, December 21, 2024





Saturday, December 21, 2024

New poem: "Trump's Humor"

Trump’s Humor


Humor is a kind of language

too. It does not mean what

it says, but it says what it means;

like the President of the United

States calling Canada his 51st

State, and the Premier of Canada

his Governor. President Trump

was trolling Premier Trudeau,

not because he is serious about

making Canada his 51st State,

but because he uses humor as

a corrective to get what he wants

to go his way; and as annoying

as Trump’s humor may be to

whoever may be in his crosshairs,

it serves its purpose of waking

them up from their stuporous



Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sunday, December 15, 2024

New Poem: "The Gift of Suffering"


The Gift of Suffering


He came from the distant future

to plant the seed that changed the course

of human history, the gift of suffering

that makes the false self real, the gift

that spares the soul from coming back

to live life over again to grow in love

and understanding, a path that goes

nowhere but back to itself again. “There

is no other time or place to find yourself.

Now is your only context,” said the redeemer,

rendering reincarnation moot; and to reap

the gift of suffering that sets us free from

the endless cycle of life and death,

he died on the cross to sanctify

his gift to the world.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Saturday, December 14, 2024

New poem: "A Wily, Crafty Survivor"


A Wily, Crafty Survivor


Was he a liar, a truth teller,

or a wily, crafty survivor?

Did he lie to make his point,

and tell the truth to affirm it;

or did he tell the truth, then lie

to defeat his tainted opponent?

Whatever he did to cast his spell,

Donald J. Trump won the race

and took back the Oval Office;

and it doesn’t matter in the

meanest game of life if he was

a liar, a truth teller, or a wily,

crafty survivor.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Monday, December 9, 2024

Saturday, December 7, 2024

New Poem: "The Way Points of Life"



The Way Points of Life


“This life is the way, the long sought-after

way to the unfathomable, which we call divine.

There is no other way, all other ways are false

paths,” said the true founding father of depth

psychology, C. G. Jung, which came to my mind

as I watched two deep thinkers, Dr. Jordan B.

Peterson, author of “We Who Wrestle with God,”

and Vivek Ramaswamy, author of “Truths: The

Future of America First,” discourse in good faith

as they talked about their own way to truth, God,

and their true self, and I was astonished (though I

should not have been) at the parallels of the way

points of life in their individual quest for life’s

purpose and meaning; and I smiled to myself at

Jung’s magnificent revelation that life itself, with

all of its ups and downs, is the way to our destined

purpose of spiritual growth and self-fulfilment, which

was why the great psychologist said in his “Memoirs,

Dreams, Reflections” — “My life is a story of the

self-realization of the unconscious.” As indeed,

 is yours and mine!


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Friday, September 20, 2024

Sunday, December 1, 2024

New poem: "My Incredible Naivete"


My Incredible Naiveté


While listening to a YouTube podcast  

(The Victor Davis Hanson Show), it came

to me be way of divine revelation—it had

to have been divine, because I could never

have imagined it—how incredibly naïve

I am about so many things, the blood sport

of politics specifically; and the more I delve

into this most ancient of human activities,

the more idiotic I feel; and I don’t know

whether to wail at my blind presumption,

or thank the heavens for having the chutzpa

to explore human nature from another

perspective besides literature, which seeks

to make sense of the human condition from

every possible experience. I’m really enjoying

this new adventure, despite my incredible

naiveté; and I have Donald J. Trump, whose

life story could make the [os1] Great American,

Novel, to thank for my new interest.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Saturday, November 30, 2024


Saturday, November 30, 2024

New poem: "A Tide in the Affairs of Men"



A Tide in the Affairs of Men


For years I was lost in the wilderness of life,

struggling to survive as I looked for a way

out. I read, studied, and asked everyone I could

to point the way out; but no one could help me,

and I despaired. I was so lonely that I turned

to God for help. Looking up into the sky one night,

Shakespeare came to my mind: “There is a tide

in the affairs of men /Which, taken at the flood,

leads on to fortune.” Was my tide at full flood?

I pleaded with God: “Is my fortune here, or must

I look for it elsewhere?” A bright star shot through

the sky, and I knew in my heart I had to leave home

and look in the wide-open world for a way out. “And

we must take the current when it serves, /Or lose

our ventures,” said the noble bard. I took the current

and fled to Annecy, France where I began my quest

for a way out; and when I returned from my year-long

sojourn, I found a certain teaching in the hallowed

halls of academia that opened the way to my true self;

and with heaven’s help, I blazed a literary trail out

of the wilderness of life for other lost souls to follow,

beginning with my novel that shocked the people

of my hometown, What Would I Say Today

If I Were to Die Tomorrow?


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Sunday, November 24, 2024



Wednesday, November 27, 2024

New poem: "His Sacred Mission"


His Sacred Mission


Trump did what he had to do

to get to the Oval Office;

and now that he’s back there

with an overwhelming mandate,

he can do whatever he needs

to do to fulfill his sacred mission

of making America great again,

and there’s not a damn thing

those loony progressives

can do about it.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Friday, November 22, 2024

Monday, November 25, 2024

New poem: "By Way of My Personal Library"


By Way of My Personal Library


I have over three thousand books in my personal library;

a thousand or so on make-do brick book shelves in the basement,

and the rest in nice bookcases throughout our two-story home

here in beautiful Georgian Bay, Ontario, the most necessary books

handy for my writing in what Virginia Woolf called “a room of one’s

own.” But I certainly have not read all of my books, and probably

never will. As Andrew Marvel said to his coy mistress, “But at my back

I always hear /Time’s winged chariot hurrying near,” and what time

I have left on this side of the Great Divide, I hope to spend on the books

I have already written and are ready to see the light of day. It’s been

a long journey of self-discovery, and every book in my library has served

its purpose in my quest for my true self; the unread books giving me

comfort and support (and a little guilt) just being there to look at; many

books that I read for knowledge and intellectual stimulation; and many

more books that I read for spiritual guidance, two, three, and four times

even (Ouspensky’s In Search of the Miraculous that introduced me to

Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way teaching that changed my life; Jung’s Memories,

Dreams, Reflections; Glenda Green’s Love without End and The Keys

of Jeshua that opened up Christ’s cryptic teaching; Adam Begley’s biography Updike that I read four times to write my novel Talking with John Updike;

and books of poetry and personal essays that I re-read for the pleasure

they always give me), and as I paused this morning from reading my novel

memoir Three Friends: An Atheist, An Agnostic, and Me that I hope to see

published before I cross over to the Other Side, I looked at all my books

in my writing room and smiled at how far they had taken me to get to where

I am today, to the mystical union of blissful resolution of my inner and outer

self that Carl Gustav Jung called “mysterium coniunctionis,” also known

as the sacred marriage of our paradoxical nature, my Soul Self.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Sunday, November 17, 2024





Sunday, November 24, 2024

New poem: "The Great Gulf of Life"



The Great Gulf of Life


Has the divide spanning the exoteric outer circle

of soul’s evolution through life and the esoteric

inner circle of life become so great that soul

cannot hear life’s call to higher purpose? Were

the Gnostics right to believe that Nature can only

evolve soul so far, and no further? And did Jesus

come into this world to show us how to bridge

the great gulf of life that divides the outer and inner

circles of soul’s evolution to wholeness? Was this why

Gurdjieff called his Fourth Way teaching “esoteric

Christianity?” Maybe there’s more to Christ’s

teaching than meets the eye.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Saturday, November 23, 2024

New poem: " Trump's New Golden Age"


Trump’s New Golden Age


“To speak the truth is the most difficult thing

in the world,” said George Ivanovich Gurdjieff,

who gave the world the Fourth Way teaching

and the “way of the sly man.” “To speak the truth,

one must know what the truth is and what a lie is,

and first of all in oneself; and this nobody wants

to know,” added the mystic philosopher. That’s

the dilemma of the human condition, and finding

a way through the horns of this dilemma bedeviled

the human race from the golden age of Athens to

the new golden age of the United States that Donald

J. Trump wants to usher in with his second term

at the Oval Office; but the only way he can achieve

his goal of making America great again will be

to banish the mendacious woke ideology that has

maligned the soul of his beloved nation and restore

America’s greatness with honest intention, which

he will begin to do on Day One as the 47th

President of the United States.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

New poem: "A Line I Cannot Cross"


A Line I Cannot Cross


There is a line I cannot cross,

but I must cross it to spare myself

the agony of knowing what I know,

the deepest secret revealed to me

in the course of my life`s journey

through this world, all the suffering

crying to be understood for its true

purpose of helping us grow in love

and understanding, a line I must cross

to quell our longing of not knowing

why we suffer as we do in this

wonderful world.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Saturday, November 16, 2024

New poem: "Their Precious Ego"


Their Precious Ego


“I fire them, and they write books

about me,” said the former president

of the United States who went on to win

the federal election and become the 47th

president; but he bruised a lot of egos

in and on his way back to the Oval Office.

Oh, the bruised ego is a dangerous thing,

forever attacking the person who assaulted

their pride and made them feel so small

and irrelevant that they can’t go on living;

but they do, and rather look into their own

soul and see what they refused to see,

they spend the rest of their life spewing

bile on the person who bruised

their precious ego.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

New poem: "A Quiet Knowing"


A Quiet Knowing


I have a quiet knowing

of the way of what is to come

now that Donald J. Trump

has won back the Oval Office,

a certain awareness that democracy

will prevail now that the demonic

woke has been slain by the light

of common sense, a quiet knowing

 that America, and the world,

will right itself again.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Saturday, November 9, 2024

New poem: "The American Dream"


The American Dream


It’s true, that much sought-after American

dream is still viable, as Donald J. Trump

amply proved with his stunning victory over

the Democratic Party by retaking the Oval

Office to continue his dream of making America

great again, a native-born son with a ferocious

drive to succeed in his father’s New York

real estate business that he took so far beyond

Fred Trump’s expectations that he had nothing

left to prove; that’s when his fate called him

to parlay his raw genius for business in the much

more dangerous arena of politics to serve his

beloved country by contending for the Oval

Office and become the 45th, and 47th president

of the United States, proving that the American

dream was never dead and one could still become

whatever they wanted to be in that glorious

land of the brave and the free.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Friday, November 8, 2024




Tuesday, November 5, 2024

New poem: "The American Election 2024"



The American Election 2024


If this life is the way, the long sought-after

way to the unfathomable, which we call divine,

as the Wizard of Bollingen realized when he

explored the human soul with his inner guiding

principle and superior insight, then it does not

matter who wins the Oval Office in the American

election today, November 5, 2024, Kamala Harris

or Donald J. Trump, the way of what is to come

will be the destined path that the American people

will have chosen to realize their inherent purpose

of wholeness, whatever the price exacted of them

to resolve the opposing forces of their dual nature,

and one day, hopefully much sooner than later,

they will give birth to the magnificent soul

of the American people.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Sunday, November 3, 2024

New poem: "Grandson of a German Draft Dodger"


Grandson of a German Draft Dodger


He stands tall, above it all, and remorseless

in his ambition to make America great again,

the grandson of a sixteen-year-old German draft

dodger who bought a one-way ticket to America

where he began his adventurous life as a barber,

restauranteur, saloonkeeper, hotelier, entrepreneur,

gold rush prospector, shipwreck survivor, and New

York real-estate investor who married a woman

from his German hometown of Kallstadt and sired

his father Fred, who made his fortune in real estate

and married a lowly domestic who gave birth to

their son Donald who, with great prowess, multiplied

his father’s inheritance and became a billionaire

real-estate developer and 45th president of the United

States who was called by fate to become the 47th,

the loving son of an American-German father and

Scottish-born mother, a native American who loves

his country and wants to make the United States

safe, strong, and proud again.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Monday, October 28, 2024

Saturday, November 2, 2024

New poem: "The Banality of Evil"



The Banality of Evil


Who are these agents of chaos who walk

among us like you and me sowing discord

with fake smiles and think nothing of the harm

they do to the order of things, ordinary people

in high and low places who don’t answer

to anyone but their own malevolence? What

order of god do they serve? Are they not aware

of the harm they do to their children? Are

they so blind that they cannot see the disorder

they bring to the system? Can’t they see that

they impair themselves more than you and me?

What kind of people would do this? Did nature

go wrong with these people? Are they puppets

on a string who say things they don’t mean

but can’t say no to whoever’s pulling their string?

Have they forfeited their conscience for selfish

interest? They have free will, don’t they? Do

they willfully choose self-deception over telling

the truth? Is this what Hannah Arendt meant

by the banality of evil? They puzzle me,

these ordinary people.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Friday, November 1, 2024

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

New poem: "What a Relief"


What a Relief


What a relief to know

the world does not need

to be saved, but understood;

and what a relief to know

it does not matter how many

lifetimes it takes to understand

the world, we have forever

to get there.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Friday, October 25, 2024

Saturday, October 26, 2024

New poem: "The Hide-behinders"


The Hide-behinders


A phrase popped into my mind that puts

into perspective my conceptual understanding

of a curious phenomenon that’s becoming

more and more prevalent on Facebook

and other social media platforms, a phrase

that explains a type of personality that would

have put a smile on the great psychologist Carl

Gustav Jung’s face, a phrase that best describes

the ersatz nature of the pusillanimous pretenders

of moral superiority who rather than speak

their own mind hide behind the wisdom words

of well-known thinkers who reflect the same

sentiment that they’re too scared to express

themselves—the “hide-behinders.”


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

New poem: "A Titan of a Man"


A Titan of a Man


He puzzles, frustrates, and enrages

everyone who pays attention to what

he says, but understanding Donald Trump

is beyond comprehension; not because

he lies all the time, but because Trump

exaggerates the truth of what he says

to such extremes that it drives everyone

crazy, enough for some people to become

afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome

for which the only cure is understanding

that Donald J. Trump has evolved into one

of the most original people on the planet,

a man who has magically melded his false

shadow self with his authentic ego self

into a bigger-than-life personality that speaks

for both selves, neither lying nor telling

the truth, but both; a genuine gift of being

true to both who he is and who he is not,

a titan of a man destined to be the 47th

president of the United States.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Monday, October 21, 2024

Saturday, October 19, 2024

New poem: "The Squandered Life"


The Squandered Life


“The unexamined life is not worth living,”

said the “gadfly” of Athens, who found

a way out of that fabled cave of shadows

and reflections that has puzzled the world;

but the older I get, with much more life

under my belt, the more I’m led to believe

that this postmodern world of endless

consumer pleasure keeps our soul trapped

in the fabled cave of shadows and reflections,

and not until we stop to examine our life

of endless consumer pleasure will we realize,

as Socrates implied, that the squandered

life is not worth living.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Monday, September 30, 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

New poem: "The Wisdom of Life Sayings"


The Wisdom of Life Sayings


“She’s all salt and no tequila,” 

said Joe Concha, Fox News Contributor,

speaking of the vice president Kamala

Harris who’s running for the Oval Office

against Donald Trump in the November 5th,

2024 election, after her vacuous interview

on 60 Minutes; but what did Joe Concha

mean by this jocular little piece of ornate life

wisdom? What is it about Kamala Harris

that prompted him to characterizes the vice

president with this pithy saying? Google

search informs us that when a tequila shot

is taken, the salt is a sensory distraction

that diverts attention from the raw burning

sensation; and if this so, what does this

say about Kamala Harris?  


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024

New poem: "The Crucial Question of Our Life"


The Crucial Question of Our Life


I thought about it, and thought about it, and

thought about it, but I could not puzzle out why

so many men and women hate the former president

of the United States, Donald J. Trump; and then,

as I always do when I can’t see why, I let my poetry

do the thinking for me, and out came the answer

I was looking for: there are two co-existing paths

in life, one that leads to our true self, and the other

that leads to our false self, and though we are free

to take which path we please, the choices we make

determine which path we take, and the crucial

question of our life should always be, as the great

American writer John Updike asked in his “Midlife”

poem, “Why am I me?” And the answer to the crucial

question of our life is always determined by which

path we take, the path to our true self, or the path

to our false self; and Donald Trump chafes everyone

who is not true to themselves, like the “fake news

media” reporters and vexed political opponents who

want to take him down and destroy him. “Fight, fight,

fight!” became his rallying cry ever since that fateful

day in Butler, Pennsylvania with the assassination

attempt on his life, and if he loses the election to Kamala

Harris, he will go down in history true to who he was,

and one of the America’s great presidents; but if he wins,

all signs indicate that Donald J. Trump will become

a president of historical consequence.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Tuesday, October 8, 2024