Saturday, September 10, 2016



Silver Lining

The longest journey
is the shortest way
when you don’t know
how to get there.
Why me, God? you shout,
and storm away in anger.
And then you die the little
death and thank God
for your suffering, and
you go the rest of the way

joyful in your blessing.


The Thirtieth Bird

I sipped my coffee, pondering,
wondering, wondering, wondering,
when all I really had to do
was to just wait and see.

Like a bird lighting on a tree,
an idea always comes to me;
and I gratefully study
the new bird in my tree.

A bird lighted this morning,
a bird I knew too well,
but the emotions it awakened
overcame me.

It takes grit and sensitivity
to tell this bird’s story,
but few poets have the courage
to bare their soul this way.

A million birds of every feather
went on a quest for their Creator;
only thirty completed the journey,
and looked into the Face of God.

The Face that these rare birds saw
was not what they expected,
and they rested and grew strong
in their great realization.

I took another sip of coffee,
and one more for good measure;
but before I could steel my courage,
my bird had flown away.


Wasteland of Misery

I’m stuck in a crack
between this world and that,
and I fear stepping into my life.
This happens every now and then
when I have things I don’t want to do,
and the longer I put them off the wider
the crack gets. I used to fool myself by
replacing one responsibility with another,
but the crack only got wider; and now I
bite the bullet and suffer the conflict
of not doing what I have to do and just
going out and doing it, and I pine my
life away in a wasteland of misery.

Tough Love

“Stop cheating,”
said her grandmother,
for the third or fourth time,
but Kelly May, who loved to win,
reacted like a spoiled child,
“Then I’m going to play by myself
and cheat all I want!” Three weeks
later, Kelly May called her grandmother,
bawling on the phone, “Grandma, the
cat ate my bird,” and grandma replied,
“Tough luck kid, that’s life.”


God Within

Flat, existential plane
of life and limb,
toiling, toiling, toiling
for profit unseen.
One day a voice speaks
from within:
“Go to the casino,”
and all the profit
that you win
goes to life and limb,
and the voice confirms
God within.

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