Thursday, February 9, 2017

New Poem: "Dick and Mary Try Again"

Dick and Mary Try Again

Dick and Mary came back this morning,
the elderly Jehovah’s Witnesses who came
to my door last month and told me they
were going to celebrate their 60th wedding
anniversary, and I was sitting in the shade
of the maple tree reading C. G. Jung and
Herman Hesse, A Record of Two Friendships,
by the Chilean writer Miguel Serrano (I do
a lot of reading in the shade of our maple
tree), and I invited them to join me (they
had of course come back to proselytize me),
and I greeted them with the courtesy and
civility that their age and commitment
deserved, and within a minute or two I had
informed them that I had read their two
Watchtower pamphlets but only part of the
book What Does the Bible Really Teach?
because I could not buy into such a literal
interpretation of the Bible that their teaching
espoused, and I give my reasons why, as
honestly as I could without offending their
dogmatic sensibilities, which I did because
reincarnation was the work of the Devil for
Dick and Mary, but they were polite with me
and tried to smooth things over when I backed
them into a corner with logic and personal
experience, and we ended up respecting each
other for our beliefs but they went away sad
that they could not save me, and I went back
to reading my book on Serrano’s friendship
with Jung and Hesse, two iconic writers who
broke the mold of fixed thought and set an

untold number of souls free.

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