Saturday, May 18, 2019

Poem for the week: "Poets and Artists"

Poets and Artists

There are no shortcuts to salvation,
because there is nothing to be saved from;
we are born to become what we’re meant
to be, and we will all get there eventually.
It will take more than one lifetime, to be
sure; but what does it matter in the end
if time is never-ending? But we don’t know
that, do we? And we look for shortcuts to
salvation because we can’t wait to get
there. We practice the Five Tibetan Rites
for eternal youth, and meditate for cosmic
awareness, garden until our hearts overflow,
and run marathons until we’re a hundred;
but in the end we’re the same soul as when
we started, only a little wiser, and we wonder
what all the fuss was about. Everything
matters, and nothing matters; it all depends
upon where we stand. But all the same we
have to live, and making choices is our
nature; that’s the game we have to play,
because we don’t know any better. Some
play it fair, and some don’t; but fair or not
it’s still a game, and every winner becomes
a loser and every loser a winner, but we all
become a little wiser. And we play and play
and play, and when we’re wise enough
we come back as poets and artists.

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