Sunday, November 17, 2019

Poem for the week: "The Bigger Picture"

The Bigger Picture

“All we have is hope, but what hope is there?”
wrote the great dystopian author, winner of
the Booker and darling of all dystopians, her
Medusa hair and cold stare turning readers
into stone; I could never warm up to her until
I saw the bigger picture, the other side of every
story, and dear, dear Peggy (please pardon the
impertinence), Queen Dystopia, saw life through
the shadow eyes of who she was not: “There is
no hard and determined central personality, just
as you’re going to be a different person when
you’re 80 than you are now,” she said 32 years
ago in a CBC interview with Hana Gardner,
while I saw the world through the eyes of who
I was meant to be, my true self; and today, all
these many years later (she’ll be 80 November
18), she’s still fighting nihilism and despair, as
she wrote in her Booker Prize-winning novel,
and me joyful in my wholeness, I’ve come
 to respect her dystopian point of view,
because it’s also true.

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