The Only Secret Thing
“The Three Great Secret Things,” said John
Hoyer Updike, the great American man
of letters, double winner of the Pulitzer Prize
and avery accolade save the Nobel, “are sex,
religion, and art,” and he devoted his life
to exploring the mystery of the human condition
through his poetry and alter egos, protagonists
of all his stories and novels, young David Kern
of “Pigeon Feathers,” Harry Rabbit Angstrom
of his Rabbit tetralogy, and his Jewish writer
Henry Beck whom he had win the Nobel Prize
for Literature, and many less well-known
fictional characters; but “there is only the self
and God,” said the mystic teacher of the way
of what is to come, whose nativity history
assigned to Christmas Day, the only secret thing
that is you and me, the Self that we are all born
to be when we resolve the perennial mystery
of the Three Great Secret Things.