Saturday, May 25, 2024

New poem: "The Tattoo on HIs Face"


The Tattoo on His Face


The need, the need was so great

that he had to get a tattoo on his face

to show the world that his life mattered;

but the world was too busy to notice

the tattoo on his face, which only fueled

his jealousy and toxic resentment;

and not one day went by that he didn’t

complain about one thing and another,

and he went to his grave deluded

of his own self-importance.


Composed in Georgian Bay, Ontario

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Saturday, May 18, 2024

New poem: "Outside the Box of Life"



Outside the Box of Life


We have to be outside the box of life

to see how trapped we are when we’re

in the box; but getting outside the box of life

is much harder than we think; —


I, like every person in the world, was born

in my box; but unlike most people, I did not

feel that I belonged, and I desperately

wanted out of my predicament; —


Something wasn’t right, but I didn’t know what;

and I began to question my Roman Catholic

faith. All the same, I prayed to Almighty God

for guidance, but all I got was silence; —


I was very young, but my days were long,

and I suffered more than I could bear; and then

providence intervened, and I did something evil

that set the course of my life on fire; —


The box! The box! That was my cursed fate,

and to find my way out, I had to break through

the walls of my prison; but how was I to accomplish

that, when I was so blind and ignorant? —


I struggled to make a living, I read, I sought, I prayed,

and even pleaded; but the walls were too thick

to penetrate, and I took my anger out on Almighty

God like Job in the Old Testament; —


Why, I despaired like Job, must I suffer so when I’ve

repented for my sin? And to my surprise, I dreamt

of my past lives, and tiny cracks in the walls

of my life began to appear; —


The light was bright enough to see the darkness

in my soul, and the more I looked at the light shining

through the cracks of my life, the more the secret

way of life revealed itself to me; —


The strides that I took seemed gigantic; but they

were bold but necessary steps that built up

my courage and strength to live the way of life

that Almighty God intended; —


And when I did step outside the box of our soul’s

paradoxical nature, how simple my life proved to be;

but God Almighty, it took a long time to resolve

the mystery of who we are meant to be.


Composed in Georgian Bay, Ontario

Sunday, April 14, 2024










Saturday, May 11, 2024

New poem: "Only a Poem Can Carry the Freight"


Only a Poem Can Carry the Freight


“It’s going to be a very difficult test,”

said the Spiritual Counselor to the soul

about to take on another lifetime on Earth,

knowing very well how painful it would

be to live a new life in the opposite gender

to the one it had lived in its consecutive

past five lifetimes; but this was a certain

way for it to grow in love and understanding

and expand the consciousness of its divine

nature, because all the pain and suffering

it would have to endure living its new life

as a man with the memory of five female

past lifetimes irrepressibly pressing into its

biological male mind was sure to conflict

its gender and make it sensitive to the needs

of both sexes, tearfully ensuring the soul’s

growth in love and understanding.


Composed in Georgian Bay, Ontario

Friday, May 3, 2024

Saturday, May 4, 2024

New poem: "The Writer's Tragic Flaw"


The Writer’s Tragic Flaw


It came to me as I watched his interview

talking about his new memoir “Knife,”

the story of his tragic near-death experience

of being stabbed 10 times or more on a public

stage by a crazed assailant who wanted

to avenge his Muslim faith for the writer`s

blasphemous book “The Satanic Verses,”  

and the blackened right lens of the writer`s

glasses hiding the visual damage the assailant

had done to his eye with his knife revealed

the tragic flaw of the writer’s character; and I

smiled at the irony when the intransigent writer

confirmed his belief when asked if his tragic

near-death experience had changed his mind

about God, and he replied no. If anything,

the tragic flaw of the writer`s spiritual blindness

had only made him more defiant, not unlike

the Fallen Angel who preferred to reign

in Hell than serve in Heaven.


Composed in Georgian Bay, Ontario

Monday, April 22, 2024