Saturday, May 11, 2024

New poem: "Only a Poem Can Carry the Freight"


Only a Poem Can Carry the Freight


“It’s going to be a very difficult test,”

said the Spiritual Counselor to the soul

about to take on another lifetime on Earth,

knowing very well how painful it would

be to live a new life in the opposite gender

to the one it had lived in its consecutive

past five lifetimes; but this was a certain

way for it to grow in love and understanding

and expand the consciousness of its divine

nature, because all the pain and suffering

it would have to endure living its new life

as a man with the memory of five female

past lifetimes irrepressibly pressing into its

biological male mind was sure to conflict

its gender and make it sensitive to the needs

of both sexes, tearfully ensuring the soul’s

growth in love and understanding.


Composed in Georgian Bay, Ontario

Friday, May 3, 2024

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