Saturday, July 13, 2024

New poem: "Maybe It's All True?"


Maybe It’s All True?


Is it true the universe is out to get you,

that what you do will come back to you?

The good, the bad, and everything in-between,

what you think, say, and do will always

come back to you; is this true? Science

tells you that this is all you have, and that

when you die you will cease to be; can this

be true too? The young boy said to his

mother: “When I was bigger, I could ride

my bike,” telling his mother in his innocent

way that he had lived before; but could

this also be true? Life’s a mystery, a paradox

of truths that keeps you thinking; and one

day, when all the dust of your life has settled,

you might just say, maybe it’s all true?


Composed in Georgian Bay, Ontario

Friday, July 5, 2024

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