Saturday, September 14, 2024

New poem: "The Great Debate"



The Great Debate


When we look at a tree, do we all see

the same tree? And when we listen

to someone speaking, do we hear what

they’re really saying? I watched the

great debate on Fox News Media last

night between the former president

of the United States, Donald J. Trump

and the current vice president Kamala

Harris, and then I watched and listened

to the public’s reaction to the great debate,

and what came to my mind were those

famous words from that ancient text,

“Though seeing, they do not see; though

hearing, they do not hear or understand,”

and what I took away from the great debate

was that only when we stop judging the

character of these two candidates will

we see and hear them clearly and know

who’s calling to the Oval Office

is true or false.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Tuesday, September 11, 2024

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