Saturday, October 5, 2024

New poem: "The Wizard of Bollingen"


The Wizard of Bollingen


Ego is as necessary to the self

as air is to life, and yet there are those

like Eckhart Tolle who say that ego

is not real and that we do not have

a self; but an epoch-making man, who

at the age of twelve knew that he was

an “I” separate from the stone that he sat

upon when he was a boy of nine, went

on to find the way out of the fog of life

and prove to the world that the psyche

of man was forever realizing it’s self,

and that the ego was as necessary to the

individuation process of the self as food

is for survival, and that epochal man from

Kusnacht, Switzerland was respectfully

known by the local villagers as “the

wizard of Bollingen.”


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario

Sunday, September 22, 2024

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