Saturday, August 5, 2017

New Poem: "A Bouquet of Wild Flowers"

A Bouquet of Wild Flowers

Penny asked me to check the bread-maker
        yesterday morning, which occasionally
has a tendency to not knead the dough completely;
         but I got lost deep in thought as I wrote
my daily poem (I blame Robert Bly for this
         addictive habit), and I forgot. I went to work
upon completing my poem (Robert Bly does not
          have a day job to go to); but when I came
home for coffee, I smelled the bread and remembered
          what I was supposed to do. I opened the
break-maker door expecting to see a leavened loaf
          nicely baking, but instead my eyes beheld an
ugly lump of dough struggling for its integrity, and
          guilt possessed me. I left the loaf to bake,
hoping some miracle would make it rise; but just in
          case the God of Bread did not hear my prayer,
I stopped on my way home for lunch and picked a
          bouquet of wild flowers. When I walked into
the house I heard disappointment in Penny’s voice
           as she called my name; but before she told me
about the bread, I handed her the cheerful bouquet
          and said, “I forgot and I’m sorry and these are
for you.” Her face lit up with love as it always does
          when I surprise her the way I do, and when she
left for work after lunch she smiled and said to me,
          “You’re such a joy to live with. I’ll put on a
fresh loaf when I get home.”                        

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