Saturday, February 3, 2018

New Spiritual Musing: "Quandaries of My Life"

Quandaries of My Life

Yet another quandary. But I don’t know where to begin to explain it, so outlandish is my predicament. And yet, it’s perfectly reasonable given my personal paradigm, which has been considerably expanded since I wrote my twin soul books, Death, the Final Frontier and The Merciful Law of Divine Synchronicity; and to come to terms with my new predicament, I’ve decided to explore my quandaries in today’s spiritual musing…

For the longest time I floundered in one predicament, unable to see where the world was headed, and I had to write a poem to vent my frustrations:

What the Hell
Is Going on Out There?

Hierophants of the world,
what the hell is going on out there?
Your antennae are out of whack,
and all you report is madness,
madness, and more madness, or
am I too blind to see?

Hierophants of the world,
tell me the truth, has the world
gone mad or is this some new sanity
beyond my ability to process
and understand?

Hierophants of the world,
I’ve lost all faith in religion, science,
and politics, but not in the better nature
of my fellow man, so please tell me:
what the hell is going on out there?

          What with all the social upheavals today, climate change disasters, and unfettered moral relativism, it really bothered me not knowing where the world was headed; and I reflected and reflected, but to no avail. And then one day out of the blue something popped into my head, one incredible revelation that I had read in Glenda Green’s book Love without End, Jesus Speaks, something that Jesus said to the artist who had been called by divine inspiration to paint his portrait, which she did and titled “The Lamb and The Lion.”
Jesus appeared and was with her for almost four months (between November 1991 and March 1992), and while working on his portrait one day he said to her: “Behold, be grateful, and forgive that which you did not understand or control. For life is divine, it is perfect, and it naturally manifests the will of its creator.” And the moment these words popped into my head, I shouted “EUREKA!” because I had just been set free of my predicament.
I did not understand where the world was headed, nor did I have any control over it, and I felt impotent; but Christ’s words set me free of my false concern, because what Jesus said to Glenda let me know that the world wasn’t mine to measure. It was the creator’s, and Jesus informed Glenda that life was divine and perfect and not hers to judge, and she had to forgive herself for not understanding, as did I. And that was my epiphany!
Years later, I found myself in another predicament. My quandary this time was much more personal.  I had grown to believe that our life was divinely choreographed, and it took me a long time to resolve my free will with my destined purpose. As I explained in my twin soul books, we are all born to become what we are meant to be (which is our destined purpose), but we have free will; and it took me a long time to reason it out, but as free as we are to live our own life, we will always be teleologically driven to become our true self. This is how I came to see that our life is choreographed by the will of our creator.
“It doesn’t matter what we do,” I said to Penny one day; “when our number comes up, we’re going to die. We can eat all the right foods and exercise and do all the right things to ensure a long and healthy life, but our death is already marked on our calendar.”
And I believed it. It wasn’t just a silly superstition with me, as many people believe, but a gnostic conviction that was forced upon me by life experience, which became the theme of my new book The Gnostic Way of Life, and I floundered in my new predicament.
With free will we create our personal destiny; but we are also born with a teleological imperative to become what we are meant to be, which is our destined purpose that speaks to our soul contract that we all come into the world with, a karmic obligation to learn the lessons that we are meant to learn so we can grow in love and understanding; and the more we grow in love and understanding, the more discerning we will be in the choices we make, which in turn awakens us to the gnostic way of life that is the imperative of our destined purpose to become what we are meant to be, our true self divine and perfect.
It’s all very complicated and hard to explain; but essentially, we are free to live our own life. And if our life strays too far away from our destined purpose to become what we are meant to be, then life intervenes to pull us back, sometimes dragging our feet and screaming like in the Hymn of Cleanthes— “Lead me, O Zeus, /And thou, O Destiny, /The way I am bid by thee to go, /To follow I am willing, /For were I recusant, /I do but make myself a slave, /And still must follow.” This was the theme of The Merciful Law of Divine Synchronicity; and as logically sound as this was for me, it also gave birth to a new quandary.
If our life is choreographed to become what we are meant to be, our true self whole and complete like the acorn seed becoming an oak tree, which we do by fulfilling the obligation of every soul contract that we come into the world with, then it didn’t really matter when and how we died, because this was also written into our soul contract; and I floundered for several years in a state of physical lassitude, not taking care of myself the way I should have because it didn’t really matter to me. And, of course, my old Catholic guilt possessed me.
And then one day I went on YouTube and came upon an exceptionally gifted medium who channeled souls from the other side, an Australian woman by the name of Alison Allan, and I watched in fascination as she channelled historical figures like Alexander the Great, the Emperor Napoleon, Sir Winston Churchill, Carl Gustav Jung, Socrates, even Jesus and many more world-changing leaders, as well as famous singers and movie stars and ordinary people, and I couldn’t get over how they all confirmed what I already knew about the purpose and meaning of life; but what pleased me most was how invariably they all revealed how their own death was written into their soul contract, and why they had chosen to cross over the way they did, like President John F. Kennedy whose murder at the gunman Lee Harvey Oswald’s hands was written into their soul contract to help bring the nation closer together, or Bruce Lee whose soul contract was to die at the peak of his career to solidify the myth he had created with his personal style of martial arts and enormous self-discipline, which would be an inspiration for generations of young people the world over. And after watching a week or so of these afterlife interviews (I also discovered another highly gifted channeler, an American called Pamela Aaralyn who is also on the forefront of this new spiritual awakening), a thought came to me that lifted me out of my physical doldrums, because it didn’t matter that my death was already written into my soul contract, and it didn’t matter how much care I took of my body, what mattered was the quality of my life, and it was my choice to perpetuate my physical lassitude or take the initiative and bring back the self-discipline I once had when I used to run seven miles every day after work, and ten miles on weekends summer and winter.
I could never do that now, given my heart condition (two heart attacks damaged my heart irreparably, but open-heart surgery extended my life, and I’m sure this was also written into my soul contract); but I can ensure a better quality of life with moderate exercise and watching my diet, and it doesn’t really matter when I die as long as I feel content with myself getting there, which seems to me morally de rigueur now. But as I said, it’s still my choice; and now that I’ve spelled all this out in today’s spiritual musing, I just have to get started. Which brings me to my unresolved quandary, my lifelong proclivity for procrastination; but that’s a spiritual musing for another day, if I ever get around to writing it… 


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