Saturday, December 1, 2018

One Rule to Live By: Be Good, Chapter 26: A New Paradigm for Our Crazy World

Chapter 26

A New Paradigm for Our Crazy World

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
—William Shakespeare

Being the kind of writer that I am with a gift for seeing both the beginning and the end of the ideas that I am given to explore in my writing (especially ideas for my spiritual musings that come to me like packaged truths), I had my suspicion where One Rule for Life: Be Good was going; but I did not want to think about it, because I had to get there first.
I’m not quite there yet, but I’m getting closer. I have to read Jordan Peterson’s Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief before I work my way around the corner; but all the same, I can no longer hold back the creative imperative of One Rule for Life: Be Good.
 I know that we need a new paradigm for our crazy world to live by that will be large enough to include every facet of the human condition, a paradigm that will allow everyone to grow in their destined purpose to wholeness and completeness, but I also know that this new paradigm will only be embraced by those whom life has made ready; and this was the inspiration for the following spiritual musing that I dared (it was foolish, I know; because it’s so far out there) to post on my Spiritual Musings blog Saturday, February 10, 2018:

On the Cusp of a New Spiritual Awakening

This is a spiritual musing that I look forward to writing. I shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself. The idea came to me this morning as I was reading my newly minted copy of My Writing Life, the sequel to The Lion that Swallowed Hemingway, while drinking my first cup of coffee.
Just as I finished reading Chapter 29, “Hemingway’s Brain,” which I concluded with stinging irony that suicide might be genetically encoded (this was a satirical put-down of psychiatrist Dr. Andrew Farah’s theory that Ernest Hemingway’s suicide was induced by chronic traumatic encephalopathy from the nine blows to his head that Hemingway got over his life-packed life), because Dr. Farah’s theory rested upon the unproven scientific theory that our personality is a by-product of our brain and can be affected by repeated blows to the head, which certainly can happen as extensive studies of football player head injuries have proven, but our personality is a fractal of the individuating consciousness of our essential self, which is not an epiphenomenon of the brain; our essential self is our true and immortal divine self, independent of our biology, and although our personality may certainly be affected by brain chemistry, our essential self imbues our brain with our evolving identity which is independent of our brain, and no sooner did I read the last line of “Hemingway’s Brain” and the title of today’s spiritual musing popped into my head— “On the Cusp of a New Spiritual Awakening.”  That’s how ideas for my spiritual musings come to me, out of the blue.
As I said, I look forward to writing today’s spiritual musing; but before I do, I have to watch a YouTube video again where the exceptionally gifted Australian psychic Alison Allan channels the higher self of well-known living people—Oprah, Shirley MacLaine, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Jim Carrey, George Clooney, Bill Murray and others, which proved to be not only shockingly mischievous and pruriently fascinating to watch, but absolutely visionary in its serendipitous discovery because it opened the psychic door to the higher self of every living person, which was totally new to the phenomenon of spirit channeling because psychic mediums only channeled the spirit of the dead, not the living.
Here’s how it happened. Allison had written down a list of names (departed souls) for her to channel on the Afterlife Interview segment of the Alison and Keri’s Shiny Show (as advertised on YouTube: “Kari Mena, Energy Healer and Alison Allan, Medium, are two like-minded people who want to share the experience of the spirit world”), and by mistake, Alison had written down Shirley MacLaine’s name, but as she went over her list she realized that she wasn’t dead yet; and when she discussed this with her co-host Keri, they were given the inspiration to try channeling the higher self of famous living people, and that’s how they “chanced” upon what will undoubtedly be a new frontier of the spiritual awakening that’s taking place in the world today, and which they even became aware of as Alison channeled the higher self of those famous people still living, because they both recognized that what they were doing was not unlike what the old pioneers did as they explored their new country (in Keri’s case, the America west, and in Alison’s case, the unexplored frontiers of Australia)—only they were exploring the undiscovered far country of the soul!
Of course, the materialistic scientific community pooh-poos this field of inquiry, but the social paradigm of personal meaning is shifting so quickly today—what with all the mind-expanding shows in the movie industry, television, Netflix and other social media networks with themes dealing with reincarnation (Cloud Atlas, starring Tom Hanks), recurring parallel lives (Before I Fall, modeled on Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray), and numerous SF movies that extend human life beyond our five senses—that the recalcitrant soul-denying scientific community is beginning to cave, which books like Proof of Heaven  by Dr. Eben Alexander, M.D. and Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian L. Weiss, M.D., written by established medical doctors who once held onto the theory that we do not have an autonomous self that exists independent of our physical body are proving, with more personal stories of OBEs (out of body experiences), NDEs (near-death experiences), and after-death memoirs like My Life After Death: A Memoir From Heaven, by Eric Mendhus, coming out every day; and, at the risk of sounding immodest, I can even cite my own parallel life story in my memoir The Summoning of Noman and my intensely personal novel Healing with Padre Pio, which was inspired by the spiritual healing experience that I had with the gifted psychic/medium who channeled the departed spirit of St. Padre Pio. The times are changing so rapidly that I can almost hear Bob Dylan’s squeaky voice singing in my ear: “For the times they are a-changin…”
            But old dogs die hard, and it will take some time for the higher frequency energy of this new spiritual awakening to break up the stifling consciousness of belief systems that keep social consciousness trapped in fixed mental attitudes, like the unproven scientific belief that our reflective self is a by-product of our  brain, and there’s nothing anyone can do about this because life is an individual journey of self-discovery, and not everyone can make the shift in their personal paradigm to this new awakening; but it’s happening all the same, as adventurous souls like Alison and Keri are proving…

The Internet is here to stay, and however it evolves in this rapidly changing world it will continue to expand the horizons of man’s thinking like nothing before. When Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the mid 15th Century, it ushered in the modern period of human history, playing a key role in the development of the Renaissance, Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment, and the scientific revolution; and it laid the material basis for our modern knowledge-based economy and spread learning to the masses; but the Internet, a highly evolved technological version of the Gutenberg press, opens us up to a whole universe of learning, giving us instant information as it springs forth from the deep founts of human consciousness, like the serendipitous discovery that Alison and Keri made two years ago in 2016 by daring to channel the higher spiritual self of famous people still living; and as surprised as I was in their discovery, so were the spirits that they channeled.
For the record, the Alison and Keri YouTube video that inspired the idea for today’s spiritual musing is titled: Shiny Show E6: Contacting Higher Selves of Famous People, which is worth watching, if not for the information, which is mind-boggling, at least for the sheer entertainment, which is hilarious; and just to show how surprised these people were when the gifted Alison intruded into their spiritual space by calling upon their higher self, let me quote their exact words:
The comedian and actor Jim Carrey’s higher self was called first, and Jim Carrey, one of the fractals (personalities) of his higher self’s multiple fractals, responded to what Alison and Keri were doing: “How naughty this is,” he said, annoyed but somewhat amused; and Alison got the distinct impression that Jim Carrey compared what they were doing to making love with the neighbor’s wife…
When Alison called Oprah Winfrey’s higher self, Keri, being the annoying little brat that she is, asked Oprah if she would plug her Shiny Show, and Oprah replied: “Baby steps, baby steps.” And just as she was leaving, because she didn’t want to reveal any more than she had to and only appeared to Alison out of courtesy, she said to the girls that she was going to be one hell of an interview when she crossed over, if the Shiny Show was still around, that is…
And then Alison called Shirley MacLaine’s higher self (whose books I had read and loved, my favorite being Sage-ing While Age-ing with The Camino a close second), and Shirley MacLaine, being her characteristic feisty self, said: “What the hell do you think you’re doing? This is ridiculous. Good fun, but ridiculous. You’re busting the chops of all the rules by doing this; and it’s fun, but—it’s funny, but it’s naughty.” And when Keri asked her how she felt about how the world had finally embraced her spiritual views (on reincarnation and UFOs), Shirley MacLaine replied: “It’s about bloody time…”
And then Keri asked Alison to call the heartthrob actor George Clooney’s higher self, and he simply said, “Seriously girls? Come on? Moving on, girls,” and he left…
Steven King’s higher self was called next, and the famous author crossed his arms and furrowed his brow and gave the girls a studied look, and said: “There’s a book in this…”
And then the celebrated scientist Stephen Hawking’s higher self was called, who didn’t mind appearing, and Alison asked him a question that had been on her mind ever since she read his book A Brief History of Time. Stephen Hawkins was born 300 years to the day that the famous Galileo Galilei died, and Alison felt that Stephen was the reincarnation of Galileo, which he confirmed; then Keri asked him about his theory that there was no God, and he replied, “It’s just a game…just because you say there is no God does not change the fact that there is a God,” and he told the girls that he would be back in the not too distant future…
After Stephen Hawking, the actor William Shatner’s higher self was called, and the first thing Captain Kirk said to the girls was, “To boldly go where no-one has gone before, ladies,” a reference to that famous line from his Star Trek show. And then he added, “Wait till you get over here. This is the real Star Trek…”
And then Keri asked Alison to call up the actor of the SF Matrix series, Samuel L. Jackson’s higher self, and he said to them: “Whatcha you girls doing now? What the hell you doing? Just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should.” And Keri asked if they were breaking some spiritual law with their playful foray into the far country of the soul, and Jackson replied: “You’re breaking some big spiritual butt. You’re opening doors that are never going to close, girls. Once the word is out there, every f—r is going to be doing it…”
And then, to my absolute delight, Alison called up the three candidates that were running for the American presidency, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders, and they all confirmed what Stephen Hawking said, that it was all just a game; but Donald Trump said something that puzzled the girls but spoke to me: “All is not what it seems, ladies. Don’t be fooled by what’s in the brochures…”
Donald Trump won the presidency and has been stirring the pot ever since, shaking up the American political system like no other president before him, which is probably the best thing that could have happened to the dangerously polarized American system; but that could be a whole musing in itself, if ever I am called to write it. Suffice to say, there’s an electrifying spiritual awakening taking place today, and I’m happy to be part of this new phase of human evolution, however bizarre it may appear to be.

This is why professor Jordan Peterson was called to write 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos and I was called to write One Rule to Live By: Be Good; the good professor to satisfy our need to know what the hell is going on out there and provide a road map for all the wayward souls looking for direction and purpose to satisfy the longing in their soul for wholeness that religion, science, and politics cannot satisfy, and me to provide a new paradigm for this crazy world of moral relativism, identity politics, and radical political correctness gone mad that Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos will prepare one for, a paradigm that embraces all dimensions of the human condition, like the multi-dimensional nature of man and redemptive laws of karma and reincarnation. An unbelievably presumptuous proposition, I know; but I am a servant of my muse…

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