Wednesday, January 1, 2020

NEW YEAR POEM: "The Sweet Fruit of Human Goodness, And/or the Myth of Life's Divine Purpose

The Sweet Fruit of Human Goodness,
And/or the Myth of Life’s Divine Purpose

1. It’s a given fact of life that the purpose of every
seed is to grow into what it’s meant to be, like the
apple seed that becomes an apple tree, and the tomato
seed that becomes a tomato plant, and the proverbial
acorn seed that becomes a mighty oak, and every
seed on planet Earth that grows into its own nature;
what then is the seed of man meant to grow into
if not itself, whatever that may be?

2. The atoms of God swam freely in the Great Ocean
of Love and Mercy, laughing and playing in endless
bliss, never knowing what they were because they
possessed no self-reflection; and God, the Great
Creator, sent its atoms into the world with the divine
imperative to grow into souls with a self of their own,
like the Romantic poet whose individual genius saw
God, the Great Creator in the eyes of his fellow man;
and the myth of the divine seed took root in the soil
of man’s imagination as the atoms of God grew
and blossomed into their own peculiar bliss.

3. From life to life, the seed of man’s divine nature
returns to live again in another vessel, another gender,
back and forth in cycles of learning and growing in every
decision, the fate of free will granted by God, the Great
Creator; but as it grows in its own nature, the atom of God
strays from its divine imperative by the pull of earthly
pleasure, and the redemptive law of life intervenes with
pain and suffering and mercifully burns off the false images
of man’s evolving bliss that keep the divine seed from
its destined purpose of man`s true nature.

4. The mountains of life are steep and hard to climb, and
man struggles daily to reach the summit where happiness
can be found; but all the happiness of success cannot satisfy
the longing in man’s soul for wholeness and completeness,
and man falls from his mountain of too much excess into the
valley of despair where the light of his destined purpose is
the darkest; and he wanders from day to day looking for
a way out of the black hole of his own creation; but just
when man’s despair becomes too bleak to bear, he’s
summoned by God for a reckoning.

5. The accidental drowning of a child or the sudden loss
of a promising career, the betrayal of infidelity, diagnosis
of a fatal illness, or the devastating desolation of drug
and alcohol addiction, it all depends upon the patterns of
behavior born of too much taking and not enough giving;
and the call to soul’s destined purpose beckons when life
can do no more to satisfy the longing in man’s soul, and
a higher path of resolution must be found.

6. The mountain of self-fulfillment is steeper and harder
to ascend than the mountain of success, but the call to climb
it is so strong in man’s soul that he must make the effort,
in this lifetime or the next; that’s the only way to reconcile
free will with soul’s destined purpose into one harmonious
endeavor, and God, the Great Creator has granted all eternity
to complete what nature cannot finish so the seed of man’s
divine nature can realize the sweet fruit of human goodness,
be it art, music, medicine, or whatever the self of man
produces; that’s the myth of life’s divine purpose.


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