Saturday, August 1, 2020

Poem for the week: "In the Mind of the LGBTQ"

In the Mind of the LGBTQ

The gifted have always puzzle me,
how little effort they make to do what
they do, rise to a level of excellence far
beyond the expectations of Mary Jane
and John Doe; but are genes responsible
for their talent, or ten thousand hours
of diligent practice? Maybe a bit of both;
but who can say for sure? Another theory
states that they worked on their gift in
a previous life, and perhaps one or more
lifetimes before that, and the cumulative
effect of their effort gave birth to their
genius. That’s what gave us Einstein,
Mozart, and Shakespeare. And even
stranger still, that’s what they also say
about the gender-conflicted; too many
consecutive lifetimes lived in the same
sex that resists the biological imperative
of soul’s opposite gender, and confusion
arises in the mind of the LGBTQ. It’s
only a theory, mind you; but if it is true,
wouldn’t it save science a lot of time
looking for a gay gene?

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