Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday morning poem: "Clever People"



Clever People


There’s a personality type

that I have never liked,

but I never knew why.


Something about them

always made my skin crawl;

but no one else saw it.


Was it me? Did I see what

wasn’t there? But how could

I deny what I felt?


Year after year, I studied

their behavior, and one thing

became clear to me:


How clever they were. No

matter what they did, they

always succeeded.


Natural intelligence? Yes.

Hard work? Definitely. So why

did they get under my skin?


Year after year, I experienced

their behavior, and I finally saw

that they were takers, not givers.


That’s why I have never liked

clever people; they’re the wrong

half of the equation.


Composed in Georgian Bay, Ontario

Monday, June 10, 2024

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