Saturday, June 1, 2024

New poem: "By the Grace of God"


By the Grace of God


I used to think it was inconsolably bleak,

a desperate situation with no exit whatsoever,

a way out of our never-ending recurrence

condemned by our own blind volition;

but one day, thanks to divine synchronicity,

I connected the dots of two acausal events

reading the weekend paper and opened a new

vista of understanding the unresolvable nature

of our paradoxical life, the being and non-being

of who we are and who we are not, and I saw

that we become whole and complete living

from one life to the next growing in the natural

enantiodromiac dynamic of becoming our true self

as we freely serve life with loving kindness

until we have grown large enough to pass

through the narrow gate of joyful reconciliation

with our merciful Creator.


Composed in Georgian Bay, Ontario

Sunday, May 19, 2024

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