Saturday, March 21, 2020

Poem for the week: "Google Knowledge"

Google Knowledge

She caught a virulent stomach flu,
suffering cramps, bloating, diarrhea,
and retching too, and didn’t know
what to do, so her loving husband
brought her to their doctor who
prescribed a blood test, medication,
and told her to drink plenty of fluids
and get lots of rest, and her loving
husband brought her home and nursed
her with tender loving care, the only
medicine that he knew (he made two
pots of chicken broth, the only food
she could keep down), and one night
she got the chills so badly it scared
her, thinking she may have contracted
Covid-19; so, he did a Google search
and got enough information to take
away her fear, and he nursed her all
night long until the chills went away,
and the Google knowledge that he got,
whether true or only partially true,
was better than not knowing what to
do, because with no knowledge his
boundless hope had no faith to nurse
the healing of his loving wife’s
nasty stomach flu.

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