Saturday, March 28, 2020

Poem for the week: "The Tripster"

The Tripster

We were talking about the Trickster
over morning coffee the other day,
how it slips into our life to trip us up,
and without thinking, I called him
Tripster instead of Trickster, and in
my Freudian slip I caught the soul of
this nebulous entity that hangs about
the ethers waiting impatiently to trip
us up and make our life miserable
so it can feed off the negative energy
of our anger and frustration and grow
bigger and stronger just to have more
power over us; and as we sipped our
coffee, we both came to see, with   
surprising simultaneity, that unless
we changed our attitude with the way
we treat the world, less demanding
and more forgiving, the Tripster will
always have permission to trip us up
and keep our day from unfolding
as we would like it to.

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