Saturday, August 24, 2024

New poem: "The Death Rattle of Woke"


The Death Rattle of “Woke”


I can hear it, it’s not too far away,

the obvious death rattle of an ideology

that’s done more damage to society

than the nihilism of Nietzsche’s God

is dead philosophy, the victimhood

idiocy called “woke” that defiled

the soul of common sense and set free

the spirit of nonsense that possessed

vulnerable minds like a pernicious virus

and proliferated beyond control; but

it’s run its course, and I hear the death

rattle of “woke” as its stupefying logic

evaporates into the effervescing light

of sober, rational thought.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario,

Thursday, August 15, 2024

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