Saturday, August 31, 2024

New poem: "Trump Derangement Syndrome"


Trump Derangement Syndrome


It baffled me how Donald J. Trump,

the self-made billionaire who ran against

all odds for the highest office in the land

and won the presidency of the United States

of America, could have such mysterious

power over people, a power so compelling

that the brilliant psychiatrist and conservative

columnist Charles Krauthammer described

it as a “derangement syndrome,” an acute

onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people

in regard to the policies, the presidency—

nay, the very existence of the man himself;

but then one day it dawned on me as I was

re-reading the true founding father of depth

psychology, C. G. Jung (Freud was the other),

on his concepts of the unconscious shadow

self and projection, and suddenly it came

to me that the former president’s over-inflated

ego/shadow personality reflected the faults

and foibles of the American people that they

angrily refused to see in their own ego/shadow

personality, and they hate him for it. That’s

the mysterious power of DJT.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral, Ontario,

Thursday, August 29, 2024

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