Saturday, August 3, 2024

New poem: "I Am the Storm"


“I Am the Storm”


Somewhere along the trodden way,

common sense became infected

by a strange mind virus called “woke”

that made no sense to the common

folk but which served the desperate

needs of humanity’s insatiable ego,

and all hell broke loose as the spirit

of chaos ran amok throughout social

order, creating an unstoppable storm

of strife and confusion that choked

the spiritual life out of humankind’s

destined purpose, but out of Nature’s

enantiodromiac imperative along came

a warrior of common sense who was

born to catch the devil by the tail and

send him back to hell, a warrior like

no other who fights fire with more fire

declaring, “I am the Storm,” the 45th  

president of the United States anointed

by Life to be the 47th and restore

order where chaos reigns.


Composed in Tiny Beaches,

Georgian Bay, Southcentral Ontario,

Saturday, July 27, 2024

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