Saturday, February 15, 2020

Poem for the week: "I Have Lived the Life"

I Have Lived the Life

I have lived the life of an atom in the Body
of God, an embryonic soul with consciousness
but no reflective self-consciousness;

And I have lived the life of a higher primate,
with a power grunt that granted me alpha
status and garnered me self-reflection;

And I have lived the life of a Roman gladiator,
my name was Glaucas, and I was feared
with respect beyond terror;

And I have lived the life of a privileged Roman
nobleman, but I fell in love with a servant woman
with whom I share my life today;

And I have lived the life of an ancient Greek
statesman, my name was Phaedrus, and I was a
student of the philosopher Pythagoras;

And I have lived the life of a North American
Indian, my name was Bear Claw, and I
became the chief of my village;

And I have lived the life of Solomon, a black slave
in the state of Georgian, and when I got caught
for running away, I was whipped to death;

And I have lived the life of a Cockney fishmonger,
pushing my cart through the streets of London,
shouting “Kippers! Fillets!” for my living;

And I have lived the life of a mendicant Sufi in
Medieval Persia, living the secret way, but my love
for God and sexual pleasure drove me insane;

And I have lived the life of debauchery in Paris, France,
and I turned on God, Jesus, and the Holy Mother
Church, and I died in pitiless disgrace;

And I have lived the life of a textile merchant in
Genoa, Italy, Don Giovanni was my name, and I broke
my wife’s heart, who is my partner today;

And I have lived the life of an aristocrat in London,
the Earl of Wellington Manor, but I sailed to the new 
land of the Americas and become a fur trapper;

And I have lived the life of the man I am today in a
parallel world, returning to my same life again
to achieve a different outcome;

And I have lived the life of a precocious writer
in a future life, and of all the lives that I have lived,
my current lifetime has been the hardest.

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