Saturday, February 29, 2020

Poem for the week: "Just Another Gigolo"

Just Another Gigolo

I met him in a dream, a man who
in a weak moment of confessional
honesty, called himself an intellectual
gigolo, and who, strangely enough,
was speaking on the radio as I was
dreaming, talking on CBC’s Ideas
that was repeated at 4 in the morning;
and in my dream, I had words with
him, affirming his characterization
that he was a gigolo of ideas, having
followed his varied career for years,
who walked away from Harvard
to save the Liberals from the vile
Conservatives but instead decimated
the Liberal Party to third-party status
when he became leader of the Official
Opposition and forced an election
on the people, a gigolo who provided
his service of ideas to the party that
lured him from the halls of academia
in the hope that he would save them
like the leader who will be known
forever for saying, “There is no place
for the state in the bedrooms of the
nation,” just another gigolo of ideas
whose son is now the Premier serving
the country with his own ideas, a soapy
brand of political correctness and weird
fixation with climate change, a young
man who aspires to be like his Jesuit
trained father but who is more like his
bipolar well-intentioned mother and

says one thing but does another.

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